23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days

The Good Old Days Era: 23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days

Here's our look back to the Good Old Days...

1. Sunday Drive

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Sunday Drive
(Sunday Drive)

Sunday afternoons weren't for rest and relaxation. It's when you hopped in the car and drove around on your "Sunday Drive". Most days we didn't even have plans, but we always had fun.

2. Sody-pop

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Sody-pop

Get an ice-cold coca-cola from the chest at the General Store. We loved heading down to the store after school. When we had a few nickels, we'd splurge and get ourselves a nice "sody-pop"!

3. Picnic anywhere

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Picnic anywhere
(Picnic anywhere)

You could have a picnic anywhere -- and often did.

4. Car radios had push buttons

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Car radios had push buttons
(Car radios had push buttons)

It took some muscle to find get to your favorite radio show. That's right - it wasn't a dainty little button or digital touch -- you actually had to push in big buttons to make the machine move!

5. Crazy things on the swings

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Crazy things on the swings
(Crazy things on the swings)

We did absolutely crazy things on the swings, and no one told us to stop. And you know what? We survived.

6. Night's radio

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Night's radio
(Night's radio)

Sitting around listening to the night's radio programs was sometimes the highlight of the day.

7. Metal tubs

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Metal tubs
(Metal tubs)

Sometimes you took baths in metal tubs.

8. Before there was Target or Wal-Mart

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: A&P

Before there was Target or Wal-Mart, there was A&P, Woolworths, and the Ben Franklin 5-10. We have such fond memories of going down to the Ben Franklin and getting candy, toys, just about everything! They had it all!

9. Sewing

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Sewing

When you got a hole in your clothes or shoes or hat, you'd get out your needle and thread and patch it up!

10. Merry-Go-Round

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Merry-Go-Round

Merry-Go-Rounds Were Spiraling Injury Machines - and We Loved Them! We're not sure if you're playground was like this, but ours had one like in this picture. It weighed a ton, was a mixture of iron, steel, and wood, and went way faster than you'd expect. Sometimes we flew off. Sometimes we got trapped under it. But most days we just had the time of our lives.

11. No fancy brands back then!

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Dresses and shirts out of flour sacks
(Dresses and shirts out of flour sacks)

When you run out of money, you make clothes from what you have. In the Great Depression, women made dresses and shirts out of flour sacks. No fancy brands back then!

12. Television stopped at midnight

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Test card signal (1950's - 1960's)
(Test card signal (1950's - 1960's))

Remember this? In the 1950's and early 1960's, most stations went dark after midnight and put up a test card signal like the one above. Later on, they would add in the Star Spangled Banner just before going offline for the evening. Back then the stations didn't have enough content to go 24/7, and even if they did, no one would be up that late!

13. Home Economics Class

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Home Economics Class
(Home Economics Class)

In some schools, the "Home Ec" department had its own "cottage" like the one above. Here girls learned proper manners, how to cook and host parties, and sew. We think all kids could still use this - boys and girls!

14. Sometimes your food came on skates

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Sometimes your food came on skates
(Sometimes your food came on skates)

That's right, kids - we'd park our cars at the local diner, and a girl would bring our food out on skates and we'd eat in the car!

15. Sears Catalog

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Sears Catalog
(Sears Catalog)

Christmas Started When the Sears Catalog Came. Remember this? It's how we thought through our Christmas list. And even if we couldn't afford much that year, it was the sign that the season had arrived!

16. Phoen book

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Phoen book
(Phoen book)

Finding Your Friends' Phone Number in a Book. No iPhone contact lists back then! If you needed to get in touch with a buddy or classmate, you'd pull out the white pages and dial 'em up!

17. The Local Fair was a BIG Deal!

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Local fair (1940s)
(Local fair (1940s))

This late 1940s photo shows a perfect picture of what it was like at the local fair. We'd get as dressed up as we could afford and prepare to be marveled by the rides and games and food! Sometimes we couldn't afford much, but just going was fun!

18. Horses

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: High school graduation in 1943
(High school graduation in 1943)

Not Everyone Had a Car - Some Just Had Horses! As seen in this picture above from a high school graduation in 1943, not only did lots of families have horses, they also used them to get to wherever they needed to go!

19. You WERE the Remote Control!

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Remote

Back in the day, if you wanted to change the channel, you had to walk up and push the up and down button. Sometimes it worked, some days it didn't. And on the days it didn't, you'd figure it'd probably work tomorrow.

20. Christmas Displays Downtown

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Christmas Displays
(Christmas Displays)

Remember going downtown to do your window shopping before Christmas? We remember when the whole town would be lit up and there'd be a big tree! Lots of people would come downtown and just walk from store to store looking at the displays.

21. You needed two keys for each car

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Two keys for each car
(Two keys for each car)

One unlocked the doors, and the other one made the car turn on. Nothing beeped or honked back then, and none of this "warm your car up before you get in it" stuff either!

22. Shoes for Easter

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Shoes for Easter
(Shoes for Easter)

If you got new clothes or shoes, it was either for Back to School or Easter.

23. Passing notes in class

23 Things That Remind Us Of The Good Old Days: Passing notes in class
(Passing notes in class)

We were very good at folding the notes so small that the teacher could barely notice. Well, we did occasionally get caught, but that was part of the fun. No text messaging back then!

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